Privacy Policy
  1. Only data stored on our systems is the configurations you create here
  2. We don't store your email data in our systems
  3. We access your email to snooze them and unsnooze them as per your configurations, so the only effect AutoSnoozer has is to move emails from one GMail label to another
  4. Your data in protected with encryption-in-transit and encryption-at-rest.
  5. The data access is protected with two-factor security
  6. Your data isn't sold or given to any third-party
  7. Your data isn't used for serving ads (including retargeting, personalized, or interest-based advertising)
  8. To delete your account, please contact ashishb[AT]ashishb[DOT]net
  9. Any aggregated analytics are used only for product improvement purposes
  10. We don't allow humans to read the data, unless We first obtained the user's affirmative agreement for specific messages;
    It is necessary for security purposes (such as investigating a bug or abuse);
    It is necessary to comply with applicable law; or
    Your use is limited to internal operations and the data (including derivations) have been aggregated and anonymized.
  11. We comply with Google's Limited Use requirement